Code of Conduct for Parents/Adults of Lanesborough Primary School
The Code of Conduct for Lanesborough Primary School was ratified by the Board of Management in November 2016. On enrolment of your child in this school, parents/guardians are expected to adhere to this code. The code of conduct is reviewed and updated annually.
Any queries in relation to the code of conduct are to be put in writing to the chairperson of the Board of Management.
Any queries in relation to the code of conduct are to be put in writing to the chairperson of the Board of Management.
Code of Conduct
Parents/Adults are expected:
As the Board of Management is responsible for the Health & Safety of all staff and students, parents are requested not to approach or reprimand another person’s child on the school premises. Where you have a concern regarding your child, you are requested to contact the class teacher to make an appointment to discuss the issue.
The Board of Management expects that all adults behave in a manner that is appropriate to a ‘school’ environment. In the event of any altercation between adults at/near the school the Gardaí will be contacted immediately. The board considers all such altercations as a very serious breach of the Code and may take further action.
- to ensure your child attends school, in full school uniform, unless your child is unwell.
- to ensure your child arrives punctually for the start of the school day (9.20am) and is collected punctually at the end of the school day (2pm for infants, 3pm for rest of the school).
- to ensure your child has a healthy lunch in school every day in line with the school policy on "Health Eating".
- to equip your child with appropriate clothing for the weather so that your child will be warm and dry playing outside during breaks and has appropriate school materials with him/her.
- to nurture in your children a positive attitude towards school.
- to send a written note to the class teacher explaining your child's absence from school;
- to ensure the school has up-to-date phone numbers of family/friends and is contactable in the event of an emergency.
- to ensure your child attends school clean and with a good level of hygiene; to check your child's head regularly for head lice and treat as necessary;
- to make an appointment to meet with the class teacher and/or principal when you are concerned about any issue relating to your child;
- communicate with staff when necessary, always with courtesy and respect and to model good behaviour in your relationship with pupils, staff and other parents;
- to encourage children to have a sense of respect for themselves, for others, for their own property, school property and that of others;
- to label your child’s clothing and other personal belongings
- to be interested in, support, assist and encourage your child's school work and homework.
- to attend parent-teacher meetings pertaining to your child
- to be familiar with the code of behaviour and other school policies and to support the implementation of these policies;
- To ensure that your child does not bring into school anything which might cause harm to themselves or others.
- To be respectful and use appropriate language while on school premises.
- To show consideration and an awareness of the safety of all children attending this school, particularly at drop off and collection times.
- to co-operate with teachers in instances where your child's behaviour is causing difficulties for others;
- to strictly supervise pre-school children, when in the school.
- to communicate to the school problems which may affect your child's behaviour.
- to follow the school's "Complaints Procedure" if you have a complaint
- to abide by Data Protection legislation in relation to posting video or photos of any member of our school community
As the Board of Management is responsible for the Health & Safety of all staff and students, parents are requested not to approach or reprimand another person’s child on the school premises. Where you have a concern regarding your child, you are requested to contact the class teacher to make an appointment to discuss the issue.
The Board of Management expects that all adults behave in a manner that is appropriate to a ‘school’ environment. In the event of any altercation between adults at/near the school the Gardaí will be contacted immediately. The board considers all such altercations as a very serious breach of the Code and may take further action.